All work and no zen

Despite all the information available on how to cope with stress, I still hear from many people caught in a ‘crash and burn’ cycle.

When it comes to resting, a big factor stopping many people from switching off is their perception of ‘doing nothing’.

Too many people struggle with being able to come home from work and just chill out because they believe they should be doing something more ‘productive’.

Let me tell you that there is nothing more productive than learning to switch off from a busy work day. To help get you there try my recommended two steps to zen:

Start ‘practicing’ doing nothing
Try committing to an organised form of ‘nothing’ such as yoga, Pilates, walking or meditation.  By regularly practicing these “ying” activities you allow yourself to slow down, which in turn helps you function optimally and boost your coping abilities when you do need to respond to life’s demands or “yang” activities.

Tune into to your body’s signals that it’s time to rest
By learning to “listen” to your body and its signals to rest and then responding accordingly you can help decrease your cortisol levels.

Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal gland and released when we are stressed. It plays a key role in regulating blood sugar, energy production, inflammation, the immune system and healing in the body.

Numerous studies have proven that by engaging in activities that help you chill out at the right time, you can enjoy long-term health benefits. On the flipside, if you don’t manage stress then your adrenal glands could produce too much cortisol. This can lead to conditions such as weight gain (especially around the abdomen), a depressed immune function, accelerated aging and stomach ulcers[1].

Doing hours of cardio and strenuous exercise might be good for your heart but it won’t help you rest your body. To achieve the right balance of activity to suit your body you need to work out how much cardio vascular activity you need each day versus how much “down time” you need. The experts say we only require around 30 minutes of high intensity/ interval training a day with the main focus being on strength training, regular movement, stretching, core work and breathing properly.

Too much exercise + over-exertion = increased cortisol levels ==> weight gain.

Ever wondered why yogis have such great physiques? The answer is because they have mastered the act of calming the mind while also finding the right balance of physical activity to stretch and strengthen their muscles. They achieve this without putting too much pressure on their system (or increasing cortisol levels). Yoga devotees suffer fewer stress-related health conditions and tend to have longer life spans.

The good news is you don’t need to be a Buddhist monk or live in the Himalayas to achieve greater mind/body awareness. There are so many different practices available. All you need to do is find the Zen activity that works best for you. Even better, pick a few activities so you can mix it up and have some fun.

So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and get some Zen back in your life!

*Fiona Wainrit heads Finetuned Coaching. Fiona is a Results qualified Coach who specialises in career and life transitions.

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