Tips to beat the interview nerves

Deloitte Graduate analyst, Assurance & Advisory, Yen Nee Chua share her tips on overcoming pre interview jitters.

Sweaty palms, stuttering and mind blanks? Lack of eye contact or talking too quickly? Sound familiar?

If you’re like me this is how you can feel during an interview.

No matter how confident you normally are, the thought of an interview with a prospective employer is enough to make most people nervous.

A few nerves are good but when they get in the way of your best performance it can be frustrating.

To combat the nerves and help you feel as prepared and confident as possible, here are some tips that worked for me.

  • First of all, apply for the companies and positions that you really want to work for. If you can demonstrate genuine passion and desire for a role and company at interview rather than that being there just to “˜have a job’ you will automatically have the edge over the competition.
  • Do your research. Find out as much as you can about the company you’re interviewing for. At interview you’ll be able to use this research to demonstrate that you understand the requirements of the position and can tailor your answers to show how you can add value to the firm.
  • First impressions count. Practise your handshake, choose what you’re going to wear and think about how to build rapport with your interviewer.
  • Prepare thoroughly. This will build your confidence. Nevertheless, overconfidence is generally considered to be undesirable, so try and find that healthy balance.
  • Ask questions. At the end of almost every interview, you’ll be asked if you have any questions. Ask one. It is a good way to be remembered during the interview process, and it shows an interest in the firm.
  • Be yourself. Don’t try to be somebody that you’re not. You want to see if the company is the right one for you and your personality, goals and values. After all, it will be the start of your career.
  • Lastly, make sure that you eat before the interview. You don’t want your stomach growling and the feeling of hunger to deter your employment prospects.
    Good luck


Ms Chua joined Deloittes in February 2009 after graduating from UTS with a Bachelor of Business, Bachelor of Arts in International Studies in 2008.

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