Should workplaces adopt a 4 day working week?

Everybody enjoys a three-day weekend, and holidays are usually exciting.
But what if this became the norm instead of the conventional 5-day workweek? Would your company prosper? Alternatively, would production suffer?

There is a case to be made that the five-day workweek is no longer necessary because contemporary technology has substantially sped up how we work.
The five-day workweek was once a fantastic model that made the most of its workers, but it was developed when factory work was the standard. In the 19th century, a 5-day workweek was perfect in factories. Then, after finishing their duties, they would go home. All there was to it was that.

However, given the advancement of technology and the rise in office jobs, the adage that working more hours means being more productive is no longer universally applicable, although it is one of the factors. Our ability to balance work and life has suffered.

Advantages of Adopting a 4-day Working Week

Increased Productivity

Sanford University’s in-depth investigation of the connection between the two parameters and productivity showed a critical link. Overworked workers are less productive than those who work an ordinary or typical work week. Coworkers are often distracted by unhappy workers. A shortened workweek is generally justified because contented workers are more attentive to their tasks when they are on the job.

Lower Expenses

Everyone may save money by working four days a week. The apparent one, among other factors, is that operating costs would reduce significantly due to the workplace being closed for one extra day each week. Additionally, workers would pay less for their daily commutes and spend less on lunch and coffee breaks.

An Inclusive Workplace

Due to childcare obligations, many people—primarily women—are not now employed. Workers would indeed be able to spend more quality time with their relatives and better balance work and care obligations if the workweek was reduced to four days.

Happier Workers

workers have more spare time and the opportunity to enhance their work-life balance when the weekend is three days long. It’s a win-win situation when you have more time to accomplish the things you enjoy because it makes you happier and may even improve your loyalty to a business. There won’t be many complaints about that.

Better Engagement of Workers

workers who work four days a week are more content and dedicated. As they have plenty of time to rest and recover, employees are less likely to feel pressured or need to take time off for illness. They feel prepared to take on new tasks when they return to work.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Reducing our workweek from five to four days may also benefit the environment in a critical manner because nations with shorter workweeks often have lower carbon footprints. Since our workweek is shorter, fewer employees must commute, and major office facilities are only occupied four days per week.

Disadvantages of Adopting a 4-day Working Week

Wrong Approach

Many people equated reduced hours with the idea of a four-day work week. A Four-day working week should comprise a typical Seven hour work day to produce the appropriate results, which might lead to hiring additional staff. Employees who are required to work the same thirty-five hours over four days will be less productive, and their engagement, work-life balance, and general happiness may also suffer.

Not Every Business Model Can Use It

Unfortunately, not every organisation can benefit from a four-day workweek. Only businesses that can completely re-adapt their operations to a new style of functioning should choose this alternative. It would be best if you decided whether or not a four-day workweek is appropriate for your firm before adopting a new style of working.

Even though we haven’t quite reached this point, there may soon be a day when technology, especially AI, surpasses the skills of human workers; hence less hiring will be done. The future of employment and the best way to safeguard and advance the welfare of human workers will then require us to make some important decisions. One workable solution is a 4-day workweek, which would allow for business as normal while allowing people still to have fulfilling professions with better work and life balance.

Whether or not a four-day workweek is an answer to the evolving workplace of the twenty-first century remains to be seen. However, it is a given that small firms will need to maintain an open mind. To preserve productivity, a good work-life balance, and engagement, they’ll need to consider the growing technological advancements from a business viewpoint while preserving the general focus on staff health and welfare.
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