Program graduate steps up as manager

Since completing Ergon Energy’s Graduate Program at the end of 2009, Martin Seri has enjoyed a wealth of opportunity.

He made a smooth transition from graduate to a permanent role as senior claims and liabilities advisor. Weeks later, he was thrilled to be the successful candidate to fill a secondment as manager claims and guaranteed service levels.

While some might be daunted by such a rapid rise, Martin credits the Graduate Program with giving him the confidence and experience to fill the role.

After completing a Bachelor of Business majoring in Marketing and Management, Martin joined Ergon Energy’s Graduate Program as a customer service graduate.

During three years of rotations through different work groups he was able to apply his academic knowledge to the business world, hone his skills and develop an understanding of the electricity industry.

Martin describes Ergon Energy’s Graduate Program as “the best around” .

“The program is excellent because it is a three-year permanent program with the guarantee of a permanent role at the end of it. Many other companies only offer one-year programs that do not guarantee a role at the end of it,” Martin says.

“Our program also offers the opportunity to be mentored by a senior business leader. My mentor always had time for me when I wanted to ask questions or discuss my progress,” he says.

“You can make the program whatever you want it to be. It’s a fantastic opportunity, so you need to make the most of it.”

His experience in the program has also confirmed he’s working in a field he’s passionate about.

His face brightens as he tells of his best day on the Graduate Program, when a pensioner who lodged a claim for a damaged computer came in to thank him for his assistance.

“He was so thankful that we’d helped him that he came into our office just to shake my hand. That’s what makes it all worthwhile.”

“His computer was his lifeline to the rest of the world and he couldn’t afford to replace it. We achieved a positive outcome for him. He was so thankful, which is one of the reasons why I chose to move in to claims.”

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