Nurses back Last Drinks campaign

Working in the Emergency Department is already challenging enough for nurses without having to deal with abusive patients affected by alcohol.

In NSW nurses are taking a stand by joining forces with other emergency services to support the Last Drinks campaign.

The campaign calls on the NSW Government to introduce state-wide alcohol trading restrictions such as lockouts and reduced trading hours, similar to those already in place in Newcastle on the NSW mid-coast.

The reduced trading hours in Newcastle has led to a decrease in the numbers of alcohol-related violence.
The NSW Nurses Association got behind the campaign to help put an end to nurses, doctors, police and paramedics becoming the victims of alcohol-related abuse.

According to the Last Drinks report, alcohol-related violence “occurs mainly where extended late trading licensed premises are concentrated and is the major cause of injury and hospital admissions in areas surrounding the same ‘hotspots’.”

The report cites two Australian studies that found almost 90 per cent of emergency department nurses experience physical intimidation or assault at some point in their career, with up to 50 per cent of episodes associated with alcohol or drugs, and that such violence occurs more commonly during evening and weekend shifts.

Paula Brown, a Registered Nurse at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Camperdown, shared her experience at the launch of Last Drinks.

She says she and her colleagues are routinely spat on, threatened and verbally abused by patients under the influence of alcohol. Occasionally they are even punched and kicked.

Paula says Wednesday through to Sunday evenings were the worst, especially during festivals such as Mardi Gras, Halloween and Christmas, as well as long weekends. In addition to taking its toll on the wellbeing of nurses, intoxicated patients also require more attention, especially when they need to be restrained.

“They take your main focus when they become aggressive. Everyone focuses on that one patient and it takes you away from other patients who are less medically well,” says Paul.

“Sometimes it takes up to six nurses to help restrain a person.”

“One of the reasons so many nurses are leaving the profession or switching to part time work is because they are so physically tired and mentally exhausted, especially if they are also constantly subjected to verbal and physical abuse,” according to Paula.

“It’s very stressful – you’re constantly putting yourself in danger when attending to intoxicated patients.”

Last Drinks supporters want to see stronger restrictions on late-night alcohol trading across NSW, including a 1am lock out for all hotels, unless an earlier lockout has already been imposed.

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Republished from The Lamp, May 2010. The Lamp is published by the NSW Nurses Association.

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