Three reasons why the new year is a great time to look for a new job

Whether you are fresh out of school or simply desire a change of atmosphere, there is no time better than the new year to begin your search for a new job. Here are three reasons why:

Three Reasons Why You Should Look for a New Job in 2021

The year 2020 was somewhat of a blur to most of the world’s population. Full of chaos, excitement, despair, and joys, you either had your hands completely full or not at all. 2021 for a lot of us has been a symbol of hope, whether it be for the world’s betterment, a better lifestyle, or simply a career change. Fortunately, most of us had a full year to reflect on our current jobs and decide if they were right for us. The current job market has seen a major change as well, with more positions working remotely than ever before.

Entering the job market in 2021, you should expect issues of diversity and inclusion to have a great impact on the hiring process. Moving forward, companies may attempt to expand their employment opportunities to immigrants, low-income individuals, and middle-class alike. While it may seem as if there might be fewer jobs available to qualified individuals, this is actually a wrong prediction. With more remote positions and a new commitment to equality, the job market is now booming with opportunities.

Faster Callbacks

If you feel that you could use a career change, January and February are the best months to begin your job search. During these months, hiring managers are often granted new hiring budgets and companies are now looking to hire unfilled positions. Have you ever applied for a position and waited months before you finally received a callback? During the first two months of the new year, you can expect to receive a decision almost instantaneously.

Most people typically wait until the end of a year to quit their positions. This is because some companies offer holiday bonuses that can only be applicable if you are a current employee. After receiving this bonus, companies often see an influx of resignations from employees who have found better opportunities or simply cannot work with the company anymore. If you apply during these months, you are more likely to receive a job offer than any other months of the year.

A New Atmosphere

This is a completely valid reason for looking for a new job. After working at our previous job for some time, maybe you have gotten tired of seeing the same faces every day. Some jobs, especially if you are not passionate about them, can seem like a chore and become repetitive. Maybe you are tired of going about the same routine every week, or now you have added responsibilities that no longer align with your previous job’s hectic schedule. There are plenty of understandable reasons why you would desire a change of atmosphere and now is the best time to act on those feelings.

Keep in mind that you are not the only person looking for a change. At the beginning of a new year, most companies attempt to hire more individuals to mix things up. They generally hire individuals who will bring life to the work setting and will be an asset to the company.

A Feeling of Accomplishment (and Adding to Your Resume)

As humans, we often crave the feeling of fulfilment. There is nothing quite like the pride one feels when gaining a promotion or achieving a difficult goal. If you are working towards a high-ranked position, such as a physician, lawyer, or CEO, you might have realised that it is not easy to achieve such a high position right after graduation. There are often a few jobs that you would have to go through before gaining enough experience and knowledge to occupy such a position.

Think of it as a ladder and each minor job, such as an internship, as a step towards your dream career. In the new year, search for positions that will both give you the experience you need and spice up your resume for when you apply for higher-ranked positions.

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