How to say no to a job offer

Here’s a curly question: How do you turn down a job offer? If you’ve been offered a job you don’t wish to accept, be polite but direct.

Phone or e-mail the organisation. Thank them for the chance to learn about the role and then say it is not quite what you were looking for.

If they press for a reason, be honest. For instance, it wasn’t enough money; did not offer the right challenge or you’ve received a better offer.

Remember, an organisation would cut you from the short-list if you were not right and there is nothing wrong with that. Further, it is doubtful you would ever receive feedback as to why you were not right for the role.

While this is frustrating for candidates, companies are worried about their comments coming back to haunt them later and so would rather play it safe legally and say nothing.

Always remain courteous, as you never know if you might run into the relevant recruiter or hiring manager again.

For more useful tips read the other stories in the Job Hunting Strategy

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