5 skills that will never be replaced by automation

One aspect of business that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robots have not been able to imitate is the human element.

Robots cannot mimic several vital soft skills, including empathy, creativity, creative thinking, collaboration, and communication.

In an age of ever-advancing automated gadgets, perhaps education should adapt to focus only on these soft skills. For instance, learning a foreign language is useless if a robot can translate it instantly. Likewise, studying accounting is pointless if you have a machine to do it for you. We’ve produced a list of robots’ most difficult soft talents to replicate.

Creative Thinking

While creative thinking is commonly linked with artistic endeavours, it is required in several fields, including business, science, and technology.

Note that innovativeness is synonymous with creative thinking. Therefore, creative thinking is just the capacity to evaluate something novelty, such as a disagreement between employees, an issue, or a collaborative endeavour. Employers across all industries are hiring individuals with this skill, which no machine can replicate.


While all humans intrinsically possess creativity, some have it more than others. Maybe you’re someone with a flair for language and the dream of becoming a published author. Or perhaps you are pursuing a career as an architect and possess an extraordinary vision and passion for constructed surroundings.

Currently, automated devices operate by analysing existing data and drawing logical conclusions based on the parameters provided by people. The inability to program creativity and imagination gives people a unique edge over technology.


Although robots can execute basic human relationships, no matter how advanced they become, they cannot mimic a human’s innate ability to communicate with and comprehend other humans.

Empathy is critical since it allows employees to effectively read their co-workers, regulate emotions, collaborate, and communicate.

Although artificial intelligence is being used to improve the accuracy of disease detection in medical scans, would you want a robot to tell you that you have cancer? Compassion in the workplace demonstrates profound regard for co-workers, boosting productivity, morale, and loyalty.


Communication skills are especially critical in technology professions, as individuals increasingly need to collaborate across multiple teams to advance digitalisation.
Problem-solving and comprehending new technologies are pointless if you cannot effectively convey your findings to your co-workers and management.

Employers are hiring workers with good communication skills who can provide superior client and customer service. Yes, robots can converse, but how can they reproduce an honest discussion between two humans?


As our educational and employment pathways continue to lead us toward specialisation in our daily work, a robot may be able to fill in our knowledge gaps. However, teamwork involves more than simply sharing knowledge; it also requires the ability to interpret team members’ emotions, share responsibilities, solve problems, and communicate cogently.

Collaboration can determine the success or failure of a firm. Although robots and employees will work more jointly in the future, teamwork does not translate well to robotics. Humans have the fundamental capacity to flourish off of other humans; therefore, collaboration is natural.

Advice to future-proof your profession

While social skills will never be computerised, that does not mean that technology won’t impact your career (if it hasn’t already). These factors will better prepare you for your career in the future:

Provide context for your interpersonal abilities in your CV

Emphasise these skills using a skills-based resume or a separate section on your resume. To demonstrate the significance of your interpersonal talents to a potential employer, provide specific examples and consequences for each of your interpersonal skills.

Concentrate on comprehending and utilising technologies

Automation is on the horizon; therefore, don’t resist the change! Instead, embrace new technologies in the office and stay abreast of the most recent trends. By doing so, you might better understand how to use them to boost productivity or enhance operations.

Plan your personal development with these competencies in mind

By incorporating interpersonal and technical factors into your career development plan, you will be more ready to deal with future changes.

If you are interested in learning more about your career prospects, don’t hesitate to contact us to get started.

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