3 easy fixes for social media profiles

Social media can be a significant part of your personal brand. Consistently evaluating and updating your social media profiles is critical for putting your best foot forward. The following are three factors you should focus on in your social media profiles to make them professional and engaging.

1. Update your photos: When was the last time you updated your photo on your social media properties? A polished photo is a major success factor for your brand. You want to show hiring managers and employees of the companies you’re interested in the professional you are today, not who you were ten years ago. When you decide to refresh your social media photos, you should consider turning to a professional organisation to take your photos, or at least a friend who’s a skilled photographer. For your headshots, wearing solid, mid-tone colours is critical so that they show up well in the photos. Solid greens, blues, and purples are good choices. Avoid patterns and pastels for optimal visibility. Ask your photographer to help you pick the best photos for a more objective perspective. They can also help you size them for different social media utilities.

2. Improve your copy: Instead of a laundry list of your credentials and accomplishments, go for a storytelling approach. Writing interesting copy and descriptions is a way to draw in audiences right away. For example, if it applies, you can say “I’m a people person, and connecting with others is what drives me.” What inspires and motivates you about your line of work? What interests did you pursue to get you to where you are professionally right now? Of course, some social media profiles don’t always have enough room for long descriptions. When you don’t have a lot of room on the profile, add a line about what you do professionally. Also add a memorable detail apart yourself to stand out, like “obsessed with finding the perfect cookie.” These details will show hiring managers, followers, and your intended audience that you’re not a robot and you’ve taken the time to craft copy to engage them.

3. Be engaging and consistent: It’s not enough to create a social media account and never do anything with it. Social media can help you find interesting, educational content and share your own. You can also form relationships with people you might not have been able to otherwise and connect with employees of your dream organisation. After all, it’s called “social” media. However, don’t use social media simply as a promotional vehicle. You don’t want to be like the people at a party who only talk about themselves. Share relevant news articles and recognise industry influencers. Ask questions of people you follow and your own followers. Using hashtags helps with your discoverability. Engaging consistently helps you broaden your audience as well as build and maintain relationships.

These social media success factors can apply to job-seekers, employees, leaders, and freelancers. Incorporate these into your regular routines to get the most out of social media.

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